My mommy Secrets

I have been told time and time again "you have such good kids" "your kids make me want to have kids" as if I had some sort of art of raising children down pat. I don't. My kids still have tantrums and get disciplined. But I've learned some tricks on the way that could be helpful to you!

1.Saying no. When my kids were babies, we only used the word no if something was dangerous. I think it helps them to understand your tone, without yelling and differentiate between no more cookies, or no don't run away from me. Downfall: when other family members use the word no for lesser things and my kids freak out haha.

2. No hitting. I hate this saying "I was spanked as a child and I turned out fine" but did you? In my past "people in my life used the belt, their hand, made us sit on grates and fireplaces, kept books on our weight, used a bean cup and everytime we were bad we got a bean inside and got grounded, boot camp, broke my glasses, broke a collarbone, gave us bruises, made us bled, broke a cutting board over our head, threatened to light us on fire, we were forced to comb out their dandruff to all hours of the night, weren't allowed to see family members, the list goes on. I knew the moment I became a mother I could discipline without hitting. I use toilet time outs, and give my children 1 minute time out per age. Hitting is not love. It's you getting frustrated because you aren't getting through to your child.

3. Dream dates. This is something I started with Camden to stop cosleeping. I love cosleeping my husband doesn't. I let him pick out somewhere to go in our dream and tell him mommy has to run back to her room so I don't miss you! It's super exciting and he is happy that he can find me in his dreams.

4. Emails. When my kids were born, they got email addresses. I didn't want them to be camdenburhoe2837@ ;) plus I send them words of encouragement and notes and pictures for them to read one day.

5. Dates. My son and I go on dates often. He picks out his outfit and chooses the place. It's so important to have one on one time.

6. Olive juice- for when they are too old to say I love you:) 

7. Cosleeping. My favourite thing in the soles. Break the rules. Let them be little. Even if you end up with feet in your face, it sure beats your husband Dutch opening you under the blankets!

What are some of your favourite tricks or things you do as a parent? 


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